The term 'current investments' as used herein refers to privately held companies and digital asset holdings within Morgan Creek Digital’s four actively managed funds. These investment positions have been selected based on various criteria, including those that are actively managed with a fair value above zero, and they may not be representative of the entirety of the portfolio. The investments shown above should be viewed as illustrative examples only, and a complete list of portfolio investments is available upon request. Morgan Creek uses independent service providers for valuation assessments of current investments. Additionally, positions are subject to market fluctuations and other risks inherent to investing. Investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment objectives.
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Listen to the latest Digital Currents Podcast - Your ABCD News Roundup
Click Here to ListenWe Invest in Digital Innovation

Morgan Creek Digital (MCD) invests in the transformational technologies that include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, Computing Infrastructure and Big Data.
We believe that our experience in founding and operating technology companies and our deep networks enable us to seek out and invest in promising early-stage Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, Computing Infrastructure and Big Data companies.
MCD intends to invest in entrepreneurs and operators that seek to create the next generation of digital innovation, which we believe will include more efficient, transparent, and secure systems and hardware.
Investment Focus

We invest in companies that create, utilize, or apply four foundational themes in the next generation of Digital Innovation:
Artificial Intelligence

AI includes machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, symbolic learning, and reinforcement learning.
Computing Infrastructure

Computing infrastructure includes chip design, high performance computing, cloud computing, hardware wallet devices, and cybersecurity infrastructure.
Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology includes blockchains, digital wallets, exchanges, distributed ledgers, liquid protocols, and decentralized finance.
Big Data

Big Data includes data analytics, data storage/data centers, internet-of-things (IoT), database management, data visualization, privacy and security.
Current Investments

Leveraging our team’s track records as successful investors, founders, and operators of technology companies, MCD seeks to create a platform that attracts high-quality startups who seek actionable strategic and tactical advice on product development, business development, and go-to-market strategies. Morgan Creek Capital Management has invested extensively in private funds and direct investments since inception across cycles and asset classes.
Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion will be championed by MCD by combining traditional qualitative and quantitative metrics such as product market fit and revenue growth with ethnic and gender diversity to seek to achieve a positive impact for industries and society at large.
Contact Us

Are you interested in learning more about blockchain, AI and digital assets? Do you want to invest with us or become one of our portfolio companies? Do you want to receive updates on the blockchain and AI industry?